A client wanted an easy way to quickly view upcoming event lists for any of their G Suite domain’s Google Resource Calendars. I tried keeping the solution entirely within R by using the googleAuthR package but domain-wide delegated authentication didn’t work properly for me so I reverted to Python. Without too much anguish I wrote a working parameterized script that returns Google resource calendar event details based on resource calendar ID and event count script arguments. Google provides helpful calendar API documentation and a basic reference example here
In RStudio Shiny, I capture the Python script arguments from Shiny UI user inputs, call the Python script with those argument parameters, return and parse the results then display those results in a dynamic data table. Here is the key Shiny portion:
# Create Google Calendar Python API script args from user inputs
gcalEmailP <- reactive({
gcalList <- input$showCalDrop
if (is.null(gcalList))
calEmailMatch <-
gcalEventCountP <- reactive({
gcalCt <- input$gcaleventcount
if (is.null(gcalCt))
gcalCt <- input$gcaleventcount
# Call the Google Calendar API Python script with the params created above
# only when the actionButton is clicked
gcalPythonScriptCall <- eventReactive(input$goCalButton,{
command <- "python.exe"
# (Single and double quotes in the string needed if paths have spaces)
path2script <- "c:/Projects/Python/googleCalAPIs.py"
gaddress <- gcalEmailP()
mtgcount <- gcalEventCountP()
args <- paste0(" --gaddress ",gaddress, " --mtgcount ",mtgcount)
# Add path to script as first arg
allArgs <- c(path2script, args)
output <- system2(command, args=allArgs, stdout=TRUE)
# Parse the output into a dataframe for use in the data table
output <- string.break.line(output)
output <- as.data.frame.character(unlist(output))
names(output) <- c("allresults")
output <- separate(output, allresults,
into = c("DateTime", "Event", "Organizer", "Creator"),
sep = ",", remove = TRUE, extra = "drop")