Improved - Okta API and httr package

I finally had some time to revist and improve a past project. This example illustrates retrieving all Okta user profiles assigned to a given application in Okta. As outlined in my earlier post, Okta limits the number of records returned depending on the API request so follow their cursor based pagination URLs to return all records if the number exceeds the API limit.

There are many reasons why you might want to retrieve this data. You can modify this script and retrieve even more user profile details by using the list users API request then joining the results on the ‘id’ field in each data frame.


# Okta API token.  You need to secure this - DO NOT store in your script. 
# There are various ways of doing it:
apiKey <- "SSWS <API Token>"

# Initial URL construction for first URL call
appID <- "<Okta application ID of interest>"
apiLimit <- "200"
initUrl <- paste0("https://<your Okta domain>",appID,"/users?limit=",apiLimit)

# Pass initial URL to get first batch
initGet <- httr::GET(initUrl,
                     config = (
                       add_headers(Authorization = apiKey)

# Get the content into a data frame
initContent <- fromJSON(httr::content(initGet, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE)

# Check headers for "next" cursor URL - more records available if it exists
isNextHead <- initGet$headers[grepl('"next\"', initGet$headers)]

# Extract 'next' URL assuming it exists
getNextHead <- str_extract(isNextHead,"(?<=<).*(?=>)")

# If there is a 'next' (paginated cursor) URL, repeat GET requests til there isn't
if(length(isNextHead) > 0)
    # Pass next URL to get next batch
    initGet <- httr::GET(getNextHead,
                         config = (
                           add_headers(Authorization = apiKey)
    # Add to content data frame
    initContent <- bind_rows(initContent, fromJSON(httr::content(initGet, as = "text"), flatten = TRUE))
    # Check headers for "next" cursor URL - more records available if it exists
    isNextHead <- initGet$headers[grepl('"next\"', initGet$headers)]
    # Extract 'next' URL assuming it exists
    getNextHead <- str_extract(isNextHead,"(?<=<).*(?=>)")
    # Check for break condition - if 'next' not found in headers then all records retrieved
    if(length(isNextHead) == 0){